DRIVING DIRECTIONS to Double M Stockdogs Double M Stockdogs is located on the North West corner of the I-17 and Hwy 69 Double M Stockdogs is 65 miles North of Phoenix and 80 miles south of Flagstaff DIRECTIONS FROM PHOENIX: • Head North on the I-17 • Exit onto Hwy 69 Prescott • Go approx. a mile on HWY 69 • Make your first right, then an immediate right on the Frontage road, Left over the cattle guard. Go approx... ½ mile to 19420 Kennedy Dr., on the left side of the road. DIRECTIONS FROM FLAGSTAFF: • Head South on the I-17 • Exit Arocsanti Road off the I-17 head towards Hwy 69 Prescott • Once on Hwy 69 Make your first right, then an immediate right on the frontage road, Left over the cattle guard. Go approx... ½ mile to 19420 Kennedy Dr., on the left side of the road.
Working Stockdogs
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