Goals of the site – summary, welcome message here.
Create your account
Using your email address and a password, create your account. You will be sent an email with a confirmation code that will finalize your account creation.
Once you have logged in, a menu will become available in the top right hand corner of the page. From the dropdown list, choose “My Home Page”.
Edit your profile
Under the column on the left, “Profile Details”, use the “edit profile” button to edit your profile details. We’ve built this so that you can share as a little or as much information as needed. The contact information that you add here will be used, as selected by you, as contact information in your advertisement.
The edit profile button will always be available for updating and any changes made in your profile will be automatically propagated to your listing.
Create your listing
From the user menu where you navigated to your profile, choose the option “Add a new…” and then choose Dog Listing or Trainer Listing from the sub-menu.
Working Stockdogs
Everything related to working stockdogs in North America.