How to Place a Listing

Create a free user account or Login

  1. Click Sign In in the upper right corner of the menu. From this menu you will be prompted to either sign in or sign up.
  2. If you’ve already created an account, enter your user name and password. 
  3. Choose “Sign Up” if you don’t have a user account yet.

Add your new listing

  1. Once signed in, you’re ready to add a listing.
  2. From the upper right hand user menu, click the “+” menu and choose the type of listing you would like to post.
  3. Complete the listing entry form and choose Preview to see how your listing will look. Continue editing it if you wish. Once satisfied, choose Publish.
  4. At this point, if you are creating a paid listing, you will be asked to complete the payment process. If creating a free listing, your listing will be visible to the public once you press Publish. If you are creating a clinic listing, it will be submitted for administrator review.
  5. You can return to your profile page from the menu under your name at any time to view and edit your listing(s).

Working Stockdogs is offering a free listing to new users. This introductory offer will be available through August 31, 2024.

For more info about how to create your listing  and review pricing for future ads, check out the “How to Add a Listing” page.

Working Stockdogs

Everything related to working stockdogs in North America.

