Mixed Farm Trial, Pre-Entry $70.00, Day of Trial $75.00
Pre-Entry Cattle $65.00, Day of Trial $70.00
Pre-Entry Geese $50.00, Day of Trial $55.00
Pre-Entry Sheep $55.00, Day of Trial $60.00
Ribbons will be given for 1st – 4 th place, High Combined Aussie/OB, High Score Ducks/Geese Aussie/OB, High Score Cattle Aussie/OB, High Score Sheep Aussie/OB, Most Promising Started Aussie/OB, High Score Working Junior, High Score Open Working Junior, and High in Trial Champion of Record.
Event Details
Handler’s meetings will start at 8:30 am each day.
4 MIXED FLOCK FARM TRIAL February 15 & 19, 2024 20 runs each trial depending on availability of stock. NO SET OUT DOG
6 ARENA TRIALS Two Trials each day February 16 th – 18 th, 2024 Friday and Saturday Course G All 3 stock Trials 1-4 Sunday Course B All 3 stock Trials 5 & 6
Farm/Ranch Trial Stockdog Trial
7431 North Alsup Road, Litchfield Park, AZ
Driving Directions
From NW Valley:
Take the 101 Hwy to the Northern Ave and exit West (right) onto Northern Ave; Northern will become
the Northern Parkway just west of Dysart. Continue west on the Northern Parkway until Reems, exit
south (left) onto Reems, turn west (right) back onto Northern Ave. Turn south (left) on Alsup.
Fastlane is located about ½ miles south of Northern on the East side (left) of Alsup.
From SE Valley:
Take I-10 west to the 303 and exit north (right) onto the 303. Turn east (right) onto Glendale Ave., go
approximately 1½ mile to Alsup: turn north (left) onto Alsup. Fastlane is located about ½ miles north of
Glendale on the east side (right) of Alsup.
From Flagstaff:
Take 1-17 south to the 303 exit; take the 303 south to Glendale Ave and exit east (left) onto Glendale Ave, go
approximately 1½ mile to Alsup: turn north (left) onto Alsup. Fastlane is located about ½ miles north of
Glendale on the east side (right) of Alsup.
RV Camping On Site
RV Parking: Self-Contained RV spaces are available on site for $10 per night. Reservations required.
Please contact Lisa Goss with your RV information (623-326-8132, lgossaz@hotmail.com).
Working Stockdogs
Everything related to working stockdogs in North America.